Choosing the best aperture for portraits is usually not something complicated, just follow a few guidelines and you will get stunning shots.


Why is aperture important in portrait photography?

Aperture is really very important, it's one of the 3 main components of photographic exposure, so if you don't get the aperture right you risk getting a photo either too dark or too light.

Also, aperture directly affects shutter speed and ISO.

This is very important because it directs the viewer's attention to the subject and adjusts the depth of field to get the right amount of background blur.

The best portrait lenses have wide apertures ranging from F2.8 to F1.2. With these lenses you can shoot in virtually any lighting condition.

But while considering what is the best aperture for portraits you must also calculate the focal length of the lenses and how far away you will be to take pictures.

Remember that a wide aperture on a 35mm lens does not blur the background as much as a wide aperture on an 85mm lens.

Longer focal lengths require fast shutter speeds to reduce shake and not risk taking blurry photographs unless the lens or camera has on-board stabilization.

Wide apertures can usually help get those fast shutter speeds without putting a high ISO.

The best aperture for single portraits is definitely f/2 to f/2.8 while if you're photographing two people I recommend f/4, more than two people, shoot at f/5.6.

Of course they aren't the only apertures to use as there are other elements to consider but if you want to get near-sure results, you can't go wrong with these basic values as they will help ensure your portraits are sharp and your subjects are in focus.

The best aperture for single portraits

Depth of field is subtle at large apertures, and it's best to start a little smaller than the lens' maximum aperture value to ensure that all of the composition is in focus.

For example, if you're using a 35mm prime lens, you can go all the way to f/1.8 or wider and still keep most of your subject in focus.

A tip: some lenses, especially the less expensive zooms, lose sharpness at maximum apertures and for this reason I recommend always shooting conservatively and not always going as wide as possible.

Every lens is different, try different apertures, that's the main difference in lens quality between Nikon, Canon, Sigma and Tamron.

The best aperture for group photos

Choosing the correct aperture for group shots depends on a number of factors, usually with F/4 you're on the safe side, have a good depth of field and produce a great result.

Usually when photographing a subject, it is essential to focus the eyes, but when photographing groups you want everyone's eyes to be in focus, therefore the depth of field should be large resulting in a smaller aperture .

As for depth of field you can rest easy, you will usually be positioned far away from the subjects and this will increase the depth of field naturally and the f/4 aperture will offer a great balance between background blur and subjects sharpness .

The best aperture for close-up portraits

Taking very close-up portraits, whether with macro lenses or close-up filters, can be extremely difficult. You didn't imagine it did you? This is because depth of field is incredibly thin.

Wide apertures increase this problem, so it's best to shoot in well-lit conditions and use an aperture as small as f/5.6.


Choosing the best aperture for portraits isn't difficult, but it requires some experience and practice as I told you initially, my advice is to start with the values I indicated and change them according to your style.

You can't go wrong shooting at F2.8, so start from this basis, and then be daring and figure out which is the best aperture in your case, balancing the result well between sharpness and depth of field until you get the result you like best .