Do you remember when was the last time you reviewed the texts of your About Me page? Often, after putting your website online, you forget everything you prepared at the beginning of your business: your home page, the information on your about me page, your services pages.

As your business evolves, and you grow , even the static pages of your website need a check up, an update that allows people who visit your site to discover the latest version of yourself and yours. agency.

Writing about yourself is never easy.
How do you write an engaging About me page , enveloping like the scent of cotton candy at an amusement park or spicy like a chicken tikka masala? What to write on an About Me page that wins over your readers and customers by inviting them to contact you?

The answer is the right balance of personal content and professional content , in a perfect blend that has a unique scent: yours. So, today I thought I'd offer you 3 creative writing exercises to create an exciting About Me page, which conveys to the reader your values, your work ethic, but above all, what kind of person - professional - or company you are.

I've learned that people can forget what you said,
people can forget what you did,
but people will never forget how you made them feel.

Maya Angelou

#1 Write your manifesto

This is not an easy exercise, because when we talk about a manifesto we think of that of your business, in which to put all the values of your business, of what you do, of how you do it.
For your About Me page, write the manifesto of your life.
It's that list of things you love, that you hate, that make you dance and sing happy in the shower (that's something you can put in your manifesto too!), the causes you embrace. In short words? Your manifesto encompasses your lifestyle, how you deal with problems, your little daily joys, the things – and people – you would never give up.

#2 The art of lists

This exercise is a series of lists that I invite you to compile. I have selected them from the book "The Art of Lists" by Dominique Loreau and they can help you quickly collect information about yourself that you have forgotten. These lists help you write your Self Monograph, in which many I's create One Being. Capturing your many nuances helps you understand your strengths and weaknesses, take stock of who you are today and, reading you again in a year, understand how much you have enriched yourself in just 365 days.

Here are the lists that I propose you to write for what you love.

Here are the lists I suggest you write for what you hate.

#3 Write your monograph

In "Healing with the diary" by Ira Progoff , the American psychotherapist invites you to write a list of the highlights of your life in the form of "stones in the stream" , to have a clear and global vision of your whole life.

#4 The mirror of archetypes

Carl Gustav Jung wrote about archetypes. They speak through the collective unconscious, they trace the course of novels and films, of myths and legends, of peculiarities and characteristics in which we reflect as if we had a mirror in front of us.

This is a writing exercise that can help you reconnect with your intuition , with the power of the archetypal symbols and images that have belonged to us since ancient times.

Grab your diary and your favorite ballpoint pen, simply get to your PC and dive into these creative writing exercises which, after all, are also journaling exercises. Immerse yourself in this creative flow , uncensored. Rely on the power of words that dive into the sheet in a natural way, let yourself be guided by the power of free writing. Don't ask yourself what your About Me page will do, just enjoy the moment.

And then? Forget about these pages for a few days. Return to read them after a week and, only then, select the information you want to include on your About Me page. There will be sentences that you will want to keep, others that will need to be modified but all of them will contain concepts that are really important to you.